Last update:  1st August, 2003

Please note, that in order to reduce the load on our server, the availability of downloads will be staggered of a period of a couple of weeks. Only the Yamim Noraim music is available now.  Click here to join the shulmusic newsgroup for updates.

If anyone has any reason to feel that this material infringes their rights, please Email me immediately.

All of Sulzer's music is on-line - all pages are now linked, as well as a zip file that is about 85Mb.

The Bluebook site is now up and running - 314 pages of music - the index pages are now interactive - as well as a zip file that is about 45Mb - to be made available in due course.

All of Lewandowski's music has been scanned and is available in 3 zip files:

Much choral music for the Yamim Noraim (and Selichot) is now available in a zipped file taken from two choirs.

and also basic choral works for Shabbatot.

The Goldfarb - Synagogue Melodies for the High Holydays - 1926 booklet is now in a zip file (3Mb).


A word of thanks

The above represents over 2,000 pages of scanned music some of which was made possible by the kind contribution provided by the members of the choir of the Northern Suburbs Hebrew Congregation of Perth Australia. Yeshar Koach!


More help is needed if we are to have any MIDI files.

Maybe you can help us!

Contact Stephen Simpson